We are the Holistic Veterinary Center
Your Pet's Physical Examination

The physical examination used in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine focuses on the tongue and pulse of the animal to obtain a pattern. There is one normal pulse and 15 abnormal pulses commonly seen in animals. The tongue shape, color and moisture is also assessed. The animal is then palpated for sensitivities along the meridians and for temperature of the body, ears and limbs. From this information a pattern diagnosis is obtained. The animal is then treated based on its’ pattern. This means that two animals with the same western diagnosis will be treated differently with Eastern Medicine if they have different patterns. Western medicine tends to treat all animals with the same protocol, which is why it doesn’t always work for all animals or people. The aim of Chinese medicine is to restore balance to the animals with acupuncture, food therapy, herbal medicine and exercise. If we can restore balance we can restore health.
Meet our Experienced Team

Dr. Pamela Scerba
Dr. Pamela Scerba received her BS in Biology at SUNY Binghamton in 1985 and her veterinary degree from the University of Liverpool, England in 1991. After graduating from veterinary school she began the first three years of her career in veterinary medicine at a small animal hospital in Rochester, NY. She then worked for two years doing emergency medicine.